this journal’s purpose
For 2006, I made a News Year’s resolution to keep a journal.
Our perceptions change with our experiences. Everything we learn influences our assumptions. Those assumptions shape our expectations.
Just for myself, I’d like to have a record of how my world evolves. But I decided to keep this journal public so that others might learn with me.
As a citizen, I am following the ideals we expect of our elected representatives – accountability and transparency – because I believe the health of democracy isn’t determined by its leaders; it is a measure of its citizens. It is my intention that this journal will allow you to better understand why I see things the way I do and how those perspectives and beliefs influence the choices I make.
I’m hoping this will encourage more thoughtful discussions on issues in the city. Sharing my thoughts, assumptions and expectations, I’m hoping to engage you in more open dialogue.
I learned a lot in my 6 years as a City Councillor. I’ve attended countless lectures by people who try to put ethereal and abstract philosophical ideals into real and tangible practice – for example, what does a “comfortable” city look like?
These are interesting minds. I will continue to share what I learn from them with you.
In this journal I talk about democracy and urban planning – theory and the application of principles.
I chose the name “pursuit of idyll minds” because I like how there so many ways to interpret the phrase – Motivated visionaries or lazy dreamers, pursuing or being pursued? You decide.
Share your thoughts in the pursuit of idyll minds.
Lisa Says:
November 30th, 2008 at 11:31 pmVisit Lisa
on democracy:
“This is Canada. The privilege to govern must be earned, not taken”
from a political party email received today regarding other political party meetings this weekend surrounding the constitutional crisis in the house of commons.
Matt Todd Says:
December 8th, 2008 at 3:37 pmVisit Matt Todd
If “earned” in the federal context means being elected as a member of parliament and forming a majority with other members, and working out who will be your leader, defining your collective priorities, and agreeing on how future decisions will be made… then I’d say the NDP/Liberal coalition has earned it.
In the White Rock context, what happens when the elected representatives neither earn nor take the privilege to govern, yet it gets given to them anyway?